Human IL-6 Antibody Pair Set
- 反应性: Human
Background |
Cytokine with a wide variety of biological functions in immunity,tissue regeneration,and metabolism. Binds to IL6R,then the complex associates to the signaling subunit IL6ST/gp130 to trigger the intracellular IL6-signaling pathway (Probable). The interaction with the membrane-bound IL6R and IL6ST stimulates 'classic signaling',whereas the binding of IL6 and soluble IL6R to IL6ST stimulates 'trans-signaling'. Alternatively,'cluster signaling' occurs when membrane-bound IL6:IL6R complexes on transmitter cells activate IL6ST receptors on neighboring receiver cells (Probable)IL6 is a potent inducer of the acute phase response. Rapid production of IL6 contributes to host defense during infection and tissue injury,but excessive IL6 synthesis is involved in disease pathology. In the innate immune response,is synthesized by myeloid cells,such as macrophages and dendritic cells,upon recognition of pathogens through toll-like receptors (TLRs) at the site of infection or tissue injury (Probable). In the adaptive immune response,is required for the differentiation of B cells into immunoglobulin-secreting cells. Plays a major role in the differentiation of CD4+ T cell subsets. Essential factor for the development of T follicular helper (Tfh) cells that are required for the induction of germinal-center formation. Required to drive naive CD4+ T cells to the Th17 lineage. Also required for proliferation of myeloma cells and the survival of plasmablast cells.
Acts as an essential factor in bone homeostasis and on vessels directly or indirectly by induction of VEGF,resulting in increased angiogenesis activity and vascular permeability.
Induces,through 'trans-signaling' and synergistically with IL1B and TNF,the production of VEGF.
Involved in metabolic controls,is discharged into the bloodstream after muscle contraction increasing lipolysis and improving insulin resistance.
'Trans-signaling' in central nervous system also regulates energy and glucose homeostasis.
Mediates,through GLP-1,crosstalk between insulin-sensitive tissues,intestinal L cells and pancreatic islets to adapt to changes in insulin demand.
Also acts as a myokine (Probable). Plays a protective role during liver injury,being required for maintenance of tissue regeneration.
Also has a pivotal role in iron metabolism by regulating HAMP/hepcidin expression upon inflammation or bacterial infection.
Through activation of IL6ST-YAP-NOTCH pathway,induces inflammation-induced epithelial regeneration.
Synonyms |
BSF2;CDF;HGF;HSF;IFNB2;IL6;Interleukin 6
Swissprot | |
Reactivity |
Specificity |
Detects Human IL-6 in ELISAs
Buffer |
Capture Antibody:PBS with 0.04% Proclin 300, 50% glycerol, pH 7.4; Detection Antibody:PBS with 0.04% Proclin 300, 1% protective protein, 50% glycerol, pH 7.4
Storage |
Expiration date |
稀释100倍:一步稀释。取5μl样本到495μl标准品&样本稀释液内,做100倍稀释; 稀释1000倍:两步稀释。取5μl样本到95μl标准品&样本稀释液内,做20倍稀释,再取5μl 20倍稀释样本到245μl标准品&样本稀释液内,做50倍稀释,总共稀释1000倍; 稀释100000倍:三步稀释。取5μl样本到195μl标准品&样本稀释液内,做40倍稀释,再取5μl 40倍稀释样本到245μl标准品&样本稀释液内,做50倍稀释,最后取5μl 2000倍稀释样本到245μl标准品&样本稀释液内,做50倍稀释,总共稀释100000倍; 每步稀释时取液量不少于3μl,稀释倍数不超过100倍。每步稀释都需混合均匀,避免起泡。
组织样本:组织研磨后,将其-80℃放置1小时/液氮放置0.5小时,然后置于30℃水浴锅中轻微振荡使其迅速融化,此操作反复1-2次即可。 细胞样本:按上述冻融的操作反复2-3次。若为膜蛋白可以适当超声一下,但需要控制好超声的温度和频率。 样本中建议提前加入蛋白酶抑制剂。常规推荐:PMSF(Cat.E-EL-SR002)。
建议客户做技术重复,一方面确认操作手法,一方面验证和提高实验结果的准确性。 ELISA实验中的阳性对照可以认为就是标准品。阴性对照是与待捡物具有同源性和同质性的空白基质或者已知浓度很低的基质溶液,一般较难获取,如果有可以设置为阴性对照。常规是设定空白对照,即样本稀释液。